Game of Life is a screen saver for Windows. I wrote the first version in 2007; here you can see my new and improved version 2.0. Game of Life is based on the famous cellular automaton of the same name, invented in the early 1970s by John H. Conway.

Click this link to download Game of Life, then unzip the package, right-click on “Game of Life 32.scr” and select “Install”.

The full source code is also available. Game of Life is free software, distributed under the conditions of the GNU General Public License version 3. You can modify the program if you wish, and you are also allowed to distribute your modified versions. Download the source code here:

You'll find instructions on compiling the code in the file “readme.txt” in the package.

Page updated Jan 23 2021

Copyright © 2009—2025 Jussi M. Hukkanen